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By Enorha Guimard

For Climate Illustrated @climateillustrated

Illustrated by Stefanie Bendfeldt @nordicworker

Climate illustrated is a non-profit company located in Oslo, Norway. Their team work to create awereness and engagement about climate change, sustainability and storytelling throufh workshop, talks and communication. The original thing with climate illustrated is the team collects personal stories related to climate change and sustainability from people around the world. Then, they collaborate with volunteer illustrators to have those stories illustrated. Here is my story about whaling in Iceland illustrated by the talented Stefanie Bendfeldt

“Iceland was the first place where I started to be a wildlife guide. I grew up close to the ocean with the dream of working with the gentle giants of the ocean. Being with whales every day at sea is bringing me so much happiness. This feeling that I am living the dream and the connection that I have with these animals that we need to protect. I still remember those days as I was watching humpback whales feeding but when I was looking through my binos to the horizon, my heart was missing a beat. Two fin whales attached to this boat owned by a man that still practise whaling as a “hobby”. They used to be in the past such a lot of whales. When you see whaling for the first time with your own eyes, it’s still hard for me to think that people will still do such a cruel thing. These animals play a big part in the climate regulation. They are the ecosystems engineers. They fertilise the phytoplankton which are the basis of the entire ecosystems, responsible to remove millions of tons of carbons from the atmosphere to produce oxygen. Whale itself will stocks carbons in their body during all their lifetime and when they die the carbons will be stock in the deep in the ocean. They literally make us alive. I don’t have children but I have 2 nephews and when I see every day the threats happening on the ocean, I’m just thinking how would that be when they will grow up. That gives me more determination and courage to make a difference. Inspiring and educating people everywhere I’m going. We are tied to the ocean, the whales and every creature that allow us to breath and live.”